Tout ce qu'il faut pour piloter la machine, contient un Arduino Mega et 4 drivers A4988. L'alimentation n'est pas incluse, compatible Ultimaker Original.

Fully assembled electronics

 235,95 incl. tax

Hot End Isolator Tube #1053

 18,15 incl. tax
Le tube isolateur est Ă©galement compris dans le pack "Hot End" V2, compatible Ultimaker Original etUltimaker Original+.

Heater Cartridge #1052

 39,33 incl. tax

The heater cartridge is being used to heat your hot end. This part is compatible with the Ultimaker Original.

Available on back-order

SKU: IdeaTo3d_1552 Categories: , Tag:


The heater cartridge is being used to heat your hot end. This part is compatible with the Ultimaker Original.

Delivery time: 1 to 2 weeks

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